How to convert a photo into a cross stitch pattern

Easily convert a photo into a cross stitch pattern on your iPhone or iPad. This guide gives you an overview of the process using the Stitchly app.

Step 1: Choose a pattern size

To get started, choose the size of your pattern. For best results, choose a bigger pattern size.

convert a photo into a cross stitch pattern

We also recommend cropping your image to ensure as much detail as possible is included in the conversion process (just press the crop button to do this).

When you’re ready, press the next arrow (at the top right of the screen) to go to the next step.

Step 2: Choose your pattern settings

The easiest way to choose your pattern settings is to use the wizard tool. Simply press the magic wand button (at the top right) and choose the best settings for your image.

convert photo step 2

Step 3: Adjust the colour selection

Next you can review and adjust the colours used in your pattern.

We recommend using the reduce button (at the top right) to quickly turn off colours with a low count. This will reduce the number of different colours and make your pattern neater.

convert photo step 3

Step 4: Edit your pattern

This screen allows you to make edits to your pattern. Simply zoom in and tap to make an edit (or use the paintbrush tool).

To show the original image in the background, press the image button. This can be useful to trace over.

convert photo step 4

Step 5: All done! 🎉

You can now export your pattern or track your progress in the app.

  • Progress – Press the play button to track your progress in the app.
  • Export – Press the export button > Export to export your pattern as a PDF, image or Stitchly File.
  • Print – Press the export button > Print to print your pattern.
  • Shopping List – Press the export button > Shopping List to export a shopping list.

convert photo step 5

Download now

Try Stitchly now on your iPhone, iPad or Mac. The full version is a one-time purchase.


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Want to learn more?

We hope you enjoyed learning about how to convert a photo into a cross stitch pattern using the Stitchly app. To learn more, choose another guide below.

How to convert a photo into a cross stitch pattern
How to draw cross stitch patterns
How to sell your cross stitch patterns